EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type Widening
Phase Design
Limits from east of Kingsway Road to east of McIntosh Road
Length 2.4 miles
Design Cost $4.7 million
ROW Cost $26 million

The Florida Department of Transportation is developing construction plans to add lanes and reconstruct a 2.4-mile segment of the SR 574 (Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard) from east of Kingsway Road to east of McIntosh Road in Hillsborough County.

The roadway will be widened from a two-lane road to a four-lane divided roadway with raised medians. Other improvements will include: bike lanes on both sides of the roadway, sidewalk on the north side of the roadway, intersection improvements at Valrico Road and McIntosh Road and replacement of a low-level bridge.

Right of way acquisition will be required for the proposed roadway improvements, storm water management ponds and flood plain mitigation sites.

Right of way: Acquisition is currently underway.

Construction is anticipated to begin in 2029.

View Factsheet
Contact Information
Design Manager
Mark Dunn
Media Contact
Kris Carson
  • There are no closures at this time.