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Project Details
Work Type Urban Corridor Improvements
Phase Design
Limits Tampa St from Floribraska to MLK & Florida Ave from Palm Ave to MLK
Length 2.1 miles
Design Cost $3.3M

The purpose of this project is to mill & resurface the roadway in order to extend the service life of the pavement, install new signals, repair damaged drainage infrastructure, and to make complete street safety improvements to the corridor.

The complete street improvements include relocating the curb line on the east side of Tampa Street to provide a wide sidewalk, improve pedestrian visibility, and reduce crossing widths.

Improvements also include reconstruction of substandard curb ramps, replacing damaged sidewalk, and widen the sidewalk on the east side of Tampa Street.

Additionally, bulb-outs will be constructed at the southwest corner of Florida Avenue at Euclid Avenue, and new pedestrian crossings will be installed at 26th Avenue on Florida Avenue, and at Woodlawn Avenue and Indiana Avenue on Tampa Street.

The project also supports planned projects by HART, including a Bus Rapid Transit system.

This project is being designed in conjunction with FPID 440511-8-52-01. For more information on that project, please click here.

Construction is currently anticipated to begin in 2026.

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Contact Information
Design Manager
Chad Stewart, P.E.
Media Contact
Kris Carson
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